Slash dividends, cease buybacks: prioritize shoring up balance sheet
Given that many companies are going to scramble to find money just to survive, dividends and buy-backs should be the last thing on a...

IiAS: Dividend and buy-back study 2020
60 companies can incrementally return almost Rs. 886 billionto shareholders Cash hoarding continues to plague the Indian corporate...

75 companies can distribute almost Rs.1.1 trillion more
Based on FY18 financial statements of the BSE 500 constituents, IiAS’ study this year identifies 75 that can return cash of up to Rs. 1.1...

Dividends: 92 companies can pay Rs.340 bn more
Despite a muted earnings growth in FY17, Indian companies can pay higher dividends from their existing cash piles. IiAS’ research has...

Policy impact: 15 companies commit to a higher dividend payout ratio
Cash hoarding has plagued corporate India for long. Therefore, SEBI’s decision to mandate India’s top 500 to formulate and disclose a...

Dividends: 88 companies can pay over Rs.250 bn more in dividends
Companies clearly continue to hold cash stockpiles and must consider paying higher dividends. IiAS’ study, based on FY16 financials...

Dividends: SEBI mandates a policy
On 8 July 2016, SEBI amended the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2016, to make it mandatory for the...

73 companies can pay over Rs.200 bn more in dividends
India Inc can pay more dividends: IiAS’ study (based on FY15 financials) shows that at least 73 of the S&P BSE 500 companies can double...