One India, One Stewardship
Indian regulators - SEBI, PFRDA and IRDAI, have all mandated stewardship, and this is a welcome step. But in having each regulator...

Royalty payments: Too early to take your eyes off
MNCs’ payments to parent companies are legitimate, but the brand and/or know-how needs to translate into commensurate growth in sales or...

What increased investor ownership means?
Corporate India is heading towards a future where it will not just be managements and boards, but investors as well who will drive...

2019: The Last Minute
This sixth edition of IiAS’ study on timelines of Annual General Meetings (AGMs) of NIFTY 500 companies, confirms our thesis that...

IiAS: Dividend and buy-back study 2020
60 companies can incrementally return almost Rs. 886 billionto shareholders Cash hoarding continues to plague the Indian corporate...