Hits & Misses: The Indian Banking Story

2021: In this guest blog Madan Sabnavis quotes extracts from his just published book ‘Hits & Misses: The Indian Banking Story’ and highlights the trends since financial sector reforms were introduced. It also raises debate on certain issues in governance in banking which goes beyond what we read in the media.
The alleged irregularities witnessed in case of some of the big cases such as PNB, Yes Bank, ICICI Bank, PMC and so on are well known. But the broader issues are often lost, as there is focus on persons involved in such deviances, rather than the structures which engender them. From selection of board members, to the the tenure of the CEO, to NPA recognition and compensation structures. Madan Sabnavis brings to the fore these and various other issues through a series of extracts from his book. His agenda is to provokes debate. “This (debate) can lead to better governance structures in banks - if taken in right spirit,” he avers.
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