CEO Pay: Sector Analysis (Construction Materials)

This is the time of the year when boards are called upon to fix pay levels of its members for the coming financial year. This series on CEO pay, compiled by IiAS using data from comPAYre, IiAS’ cloud-based pay-versus-performance tool, is aimed at sensitizing boards on the remuneration trends across the market, as a basis for determining appropriate pay structures. This eighth piece in the series is focused on pay levels in the construction materials sector.
The remuneration levels in the Construction Materials sector are high - the median pay for both CEOs and Executive Directors is well above market standards and the CEO pay to the median employee salary is close to 150 times. Four out of every 10 CEOs earned at least Rs.100 mn in the last fiscal and CEO remuneration, in aggregate, has grown at a faster pace than revenues and profits over the past five years. The sector is also characterized by the absence of women directors.
You can read this report by clicking this link.
A modified version of this report was published by Mint on 14 May 2018.
You can read the earlier reports by clicking the links below:
Part 2: Bridging the pay gap
Part 6: CEO Pay Sector Analysis: IT
Part 7: CEO Pay Sector Analysis: FMCG